Illustration of diverse people standing together in front of a light blue outline of Montana. Text reads: 'Open to All. This establishment is committed to justice, safety, and dignity for all people.' Below is the word 'Catalyst' and 'Montana Organizing for Justice.'

In Montana, we care about one another. On snowy mornings, we shovel each other’s walks. Bumper crops means shared produce and canned goods. We respect fences as much as we revere open spaces. We spare our time on moving days and we cheer on each other’s kids on Friday nights. It’s not about who you love or where you’ve been, but if you’re coming to dinner. 

Yet, in recent months we’ve seen attacks on our neighbors because of the color of their skin, where they were born, the religion they practice,  or who they love. 

Racism, antisemitism, & xenophobia are unacceptable - and we know they’re not reflective of the vast majority of us. In Montana, it’s the length of our tables, not the heights of our fences, that define us. There's plenty of room under our big sky for everyone, no matter where they come from, how they live, or who they love. 

A project of Catalyst Montana, Open To All celebrates and raises the visibility of Montana’s local businesses and non-profit organizations that are working towards justice, safety, and dignity for all.

By pledging your commitment to be Open To All, you commit to welcoming all Montanans into your spaces regardless of their identities, implementing more inclusive and just employee policies, and intervening when you witness hate and violence in your communities. Your business or organization can be a reminder throughout Montana that our state is Open To All!

Open To All Benefits

By signing the Open To All pledge, you’re affirming your business or organization’s commitment to keeping Montana Open To All! In addition to feeling good and doing good, you’ll get the following benefits: 

  • Open To All Welcome Packet that includes a window cling, sticker, and signage to be displayed in your business

  • Listing in our Open To All list on our website, social media, and print media

  • Access to our Open To All Member Portal with timely and relevant resources for improving your business or organization, including trainings for your staff and sample employee policies

Take the Open To All Pledge