Week 9: Legislative Session Update

How is it already the last week of February? This legislative session is flying by. We’re in the final days before transmittal, aka the deadline for bills to transfer between chambers, and what a whirlwind. Hearing schedules are jam packed, the sheer volume of bills introduced is unruly, and decisions tend to be rushed! This is always a busy week with legislators working hard to get bills through their chamber to be considered in the next. But, perhaps none were as busy as Representative Lukas Schubert. 

Rep. Schubert is a freshman legislator representing Kalispell and Evergreen and he had a big day in House Judiciary yesterday presenting five bills including a bill to make our State Supreme Court races partisan and another that would require sex education to include images of a D & E abortion between 20 and 25 gestational weeks. 

Perhaps the most egregious bill he brought forth was HB 754, a bill that would allow Child and Family Services to remove children from parents who support their child receiving gender affirming care. This dangerous bill not only penalizes parents who support their child in receiving gender affirming care, but rewards parents who withhold gender affirming care. This dangerous bill not only threatens the well-being of transgender children and loving supportive parents, but sets a precedent where a lawmaker's opinion is more important than medically backed care provided by a doctor. 

This bill will see executive action this week. Please contact the House Judiciary Committee and your Representative as soon as possible and urge them to VOTE NO on HB 754.

In Solidarity,

Julia Maxon

Program Director

Take Action

It's going to take all of us to create a Montana where there is justice, safety, and dignity for all. This means that we need YOU to take contact your legislator this legislative session.

  • Call the capitol switchboard at 406-444-4800

    • The switchboard is open 7 AM to 5:30 PM M-F

    • State your name, where you're located, and ask to leave a message Supporting / Opposing the bill you want to leave comment on 

  • Submit written public comment

    • There's a new system for leaving message to legislators this year that does require you to create an account. You'll need to go to legmt.gov/participate 

    • Be sure to enter in your email address and press verify to get a confirmation code. Note: you will not be able to proceed forward in the form if you do not complete this first step. 

  • Sign-Up to testify

    • To testify virtually, go to legmt.gov/participate. Like submitting a public comment, you will need to create an account first and verify your email. 

    • You will be able to sign up to testify two hours before the hearing. 

    • In your testimony, be sure to say, "Chair and members of the committee, my name is [insert full name and spell out your last name] and I live in [insert place in MT]. I'm here to SUPPORT / OPPOSE [HB/SB #] for [insert your reason]. Close by saying: [Thank you for your time and please vote YES/ NO on this bill.]

Priority Bills

Key:   ✅ Support           ❌ Oppose          🔵 Tracking

Health Care

House Bill 274, carried by Rep. Ed Stafmen, would establish a medical respite care program for houseless individuals who are eligible for Medicaid in Montana. The program would provide short-term housing and supportive medical services for houseless people who are too ill to recover on the streets but not sick enough to require hospitalization. House Bill 274 will be heard again on the House Floor soon.

House Bill 359, carried by Rep. John Karlen, would revise prior authorization laws for health insurance prescription drug coverage by prohibiting insurers from requiring prior authorization in several specific scenarios. Specifically, insurers cannot require prior authorization for generic prescription drugs after a patient has been prescribed the same drug continuously for 6 months, for drugs being prescribed at adjusted dosages, for long-acting injectable antipsychotics, for oral or inhaled generic prescription drugs not listed in controlled substance schedules, for inhaled prescription drugs treating asthma or chronic lung diseases, and for insulin for diabetes patients.

The last thing someone needing insulin or an inhaler is to be denied coverage for these life-saving medications. This bill would require insurance companies to cover this necessary medications. House Bill 399 will be heard again on the House Floor soon.

LGBTQ+ Rights

House Bill 754, carried by Rep. Lukas Schubert, would prevent children from accessing gender affirming care and also trigger the emergency removal and separation of trans youth from their families. HB 745 is cruel and yet another anti-trans bill that seeks to erase trans folks.  House Bill 754 was heard in the House Judiciary Committee on Monday and will  likely be heard on the House Floor soon. Please contact your Representative asking them to OPPOSE HB 754.

House Bill 675, carried by Rep. Caleb Hinkle, is this legislative session's version of an anti-drag bill and would allow parents/guardians of minors to file a private right of action against a drag performer for associated damages if that minor is “exposed” to a drag performer at a drag performance. House Bill 675 passed out of the House Judiciary Committee and will likely head to the House Floor Soon. Call your Representative to let them know that you OPPOSE HB 675. 

Criminal Legal 

House Bill 795, carried by Rep. James Reavis, would allow for folks with nonviolent felony convictions to have their criminal records expunged after a period of ten years without committing a new offense.  A criminal record can make it harder for someone to obtain a job or housing, and expungement would clear their record so that their old conviction doesn't continue to hinder their future opportunities.  House Bill 795 was heard in House Judiciary this morning. Call your Representative and the House Judiciary Committee to let them know that you SUPPORT HB 795.

Pro-Democracy & Voting Rights

House Bill 751, carried by Rep. Lukas Schubert, would require MT Supreme Court candidates run under a partisan or "undisclosed" label. This bill would create a partisan MT Supreme Court and potentially affect Montanans' right to a fair shake under the law. Judges should rule based on the Constitution and case law NOT their political ideologies.House Bill 751 was heard yesterday in House Judiciary Committee. Call your Representative and the House Judiciary Committee and ask them to OPPOSE HB 751.

Economic Justice 

House Bill 551, carried by Rep.Melissa Romano, would establish a state program to eliminate reduced-price co-payments for school lunch and breakfast in Montana, recognizing that requiring families to pay even a small amount for meals can create barriers to participation. The legislation aims to support children's nutritional needs and educational potential by making school meals more accessible. We need to support children and families that face barriers to pay for school lunch and breakfast. No child should go hungry while at school. House Bill 551 has yet to be scheduled for a hearing date in the House Education Committee.  Please contact your Representatives and the House Education Committee  asking them to SUPPORT HB 551.

Indigenous Justice

House Bill 545, carried by Rep. Tyson Running Wolf, would add important definitions to the laws surrounding Missing and Murdered Indigenous People. Specifically, HB 545 would add "and murdered" and "advisory council" to the name of the Missing Indigenous Persons Task Force to now be known as the "Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons Advisory Council," as well as adds the words "homicide investigator" to the Advisory council.  House Bill 545 will be heard on the House Floor again soon for third reading. Please contact your Representatives to let them know that you SUPPORT HB 545. 


Week 8: Legislative Session Update